You know you are a geek when…

by Nick Villescas · Published · Updated
So I’m driving home from work the other day when I notice an interesting license plate. It gave me a good laugh and made me wish I had one. Though of course none of my friends or family would get it. If I had this license plate I would be cutting off people left and right.
Nick Villescas
I'm an IT professional, musician, and PC gamer with a particular fondness of all things tech-related. Feel free to connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
by Nick Villescas · Published August 24, 2006 · Last modified November 25, 2013
WebNV is a personal site by me, Nick Villescas. Here is where I post about my personal life and interests. Some of my major interests include music production, technology, and PC gaming. Read more